The vegetable gardening bug has definitely bitten me. Up
until this point in my life I focused mainly on perennials and houseplants
mainly because veggie gardening terrified me. All of those neat little rows,
companion planting, decisions to be made on which fertilizer to use and when… it
seemed all so overwhelming.
However with my desire to eat healthier and to learn a new
hobby, all I can say is..WAHOO!
I am so glad I jumped in with both mud boots on!
As I navigate this new found hobby I’m finding there are
certain times that I especially enjoy being in the garden.
One is in the late
I know my chances of being becoming a mosquito’s next meal are
higher at that time, but honestly, having the garden to myself, (especially when my new garden is part of a 40 bed community garden) and enjoying
nature’s song as performed by crickets, birds and buzzing bugs, brings me great
However, late evening is second only to my absolute favorite time in
the garden: right before a storm.
This is my favorite time.
There’s a different type of silence in the garden, in that,
even nature seems to quiet. There’s a coolness in the air, the storm clouds are
slowly rolling in and raindrops fall and splat, watering the earth. If I’m
lucky there’s a good half hour before the heavens open up, so I soak up each and
every second. Earth between my fingers, new plant shoots reaching upward,
and suddenly I don’t mind weeding out little invaders.
This is my favorite time in the garden.

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